Wishbox is a fantasy clothing label specializing in imaginative, vivid designs. Bored with the everyday? Believe in magic... Open the Wishbox! You'll find a special treasure every time.
If you're a member of the Wishbox group (SL, not Hippo), come on by and get your present from under the tree! I wish to sincerely thank everyone for their support and kindness in 2009. Your kind words always push me on, and it's your enjoyment that makes me happy to do what I do. Here's to another productive year in 2010! Enjoy your pretty dress. :)
Join us this weekend as we celebrate and dance in a Magical Winterland. Dress warm and bring your friends. Also new MM board just for this event, as well as games and prizes. If you missed our last party, here's your chance to make up for it. You don't want to miss out on this. Party starts at 5pm SLT this Saturday.
Gingerbread, stitches, and stars, OH MY! It's got pockets full of peppermints! It's cute with boots! See this joyful holiday ensemble from Wishbox... Spread the whimsy and delight! (and be adored for doing it!)
Stunning. Sensual. Otherwordly. The "Aphrodisia" silks set is electrifying Grecian goodness in three incredible colors. From an elven forest goddess, to a tantric belly dancer, or just an average day on a lush island: This outfit, laced with sculpted flowers, long flowing silk, and a beautiful design will make all those things come true. So come to the shop and see for yourself!